Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Procompsognathus - Facts and Figures
Procompsognathus - Facts and Figures Name: Procompsognathus (Greek for before the elegant jaw); pronounced PRO-comp-SOG-nah-thuss Habitat: Swamps of western Europe Historical Period: Late Triassic (210 million years ago) Size and Weight: About four feet long and 5-10 pounds Diet: Small animals and insects Distinguishing Characteristics: Small size; bipedal posture; long legs and snout About Procompsognathus Despite its namebefore Compsognathusthe evolutionary relationship of Procompsognathus to the later and much-better known Compsognathus is uncertain at best. Because of the poor quality of this dinosaurs fossil remains, the best we can say about Procompsognathus is that it was a carnivorous reptile, but beyond that, its unclear if it was an early theropod dinosaur or a late archosaur akin to the bipedal Marasuchus (and thus not a dinosaur at all). In either event, though, Procompsognathus (and other reptiles like it) certainly lay at the base of later dinosaur evolution, either as direct progenitors of this fearsome breed or great-uncles a few times removes. One of the little known facts about Procompsognathus is that it was this dinosaur, and not Compsognathus, that had cameos in Michael Crichtons novels Jurassic Park and The Lost World. Crichton portrays compies as slightly venomous (in the books, Procompsognathus bites render their victims drowsy and ready for the kill), as well as eager consumers of sauropod poop. Needless to say, both of these attributes are complete inventions; to date, paleontologists have yet to identify any venomous dinosaurs, and there is no fossil evidence that any dinosaurs ate excrement (though its certainly not outside the range of possibility).
Friday, November 22, 2019
Cómo identificar un billete de dólar falso
Cà ³mo identificar un billete de dà ³lar falso Pagar con un billete de dà ³lar falso es un delito federal y, cualquier persona extranjera condenada por ese delito podrà a perder toda posibilidad de ingresar oà emigrar a Estados Unidos porqueà es una de las causas de inadmisibilidad, desde el punto de vista migratorio. En Estados Unidos,à turistas u otras personas con visas no inmigrantes asà como losà nuevos inmigrantes se sorprenden cuando en los comercios y almacenes los empleados comprueban si el billete con el que se paga es falso. Es una prctica habitual que no debe molestar. La razà ³n es que se estima que son falsos 100 de cada un millà ³n de billetes de dà ³lar en circulacià ³n, frente a 10 de cada millà ³n de francos suizos.à à ¿Cul es el billete de dà ³lar que se falsifica ms frecuentemente? Aunque dentro de Estados Unidos el billete falsificado ms comà ºn es el de $20, a nivel mundial es el de $100, siendo notoriamente famosos los producidos por el gobierno de Corea del Norte que, debido a su alta calidad, pueden pasar fcilmente como si fueran autà ©nticos cuando se les compara con los modelos antiguos de esos billetes. Precisamente para dificultar la produccià ³n ilegal de billetes de $100, el gobierno de los Estados Unidosà comenzà ³, en otoà ±o de 2013,à a poner en circulacià ³n billetes de esa denominacià ³n que son prcticamente imposibles de falsificar. Las caracterà sticas de los billetes de $100, cuyo costo de produccià ³n es superior al de su denominacià ³n, son las siguientes:à Lazo azul tridimensional de seguridad.La frase ONE HUNDRED USA aparece inscrita en letra muy pequeà ±a en el tintero y en la marca de agua est inscrito USA 100.La frase The United States of America aparece en letras diminutas en el cuello de Benjamin Franklin.La cifra 100 en grande cambia de color cuando se inclina el billete.La Campana de la Libertad que est dentro del tintero cambia de color segà ºn se incline el billete.Las imgenes alternas de campanas y del nà ºmero 100 cambian de color, segà ºn el ngulo con el que se incline el billete.La tira a la izquierda de la cara de Benjamin Franklin sà ³lo es visible si el billete se pone bajo un foco de luz.Grabado tipo entalladura que le da al billete una textura especial. 10 tips para identificar los billetes de dà ³lar falsos Se puede aprender a identifica los billetes de dà ³lar falsos de todo tipo de denominacià ³n siguiendo las siguientes tips simples y sencillas. 1. Hilo de seguridad Es posible verlo al levantar el billete y observarlo a contraluz. Se ver un hilo que atraviesa el billete de arriba a abajo. En realidad, es un trozo de polià ©ster incrustado en el billete que contiene la denominacià ³n del billete -de cunto es- en letras muy pequeà ±itas. Este hilo de seguridad se ve tanto si se mira al billete por el lado en el que aparece el retrato (anverso) como desde el reverso. Si se pone debajo de luz ultravioleta, el hilo se ilumina con un color fluorescente, uno distinto para cada uno de los distintos valores que pueden tener los billetes de dà ³lar americano. Si se pone debajo de una lmpara con luz negra, tambià ©n se puede comprobar que aparece el color correspondiente a la denominacià ³n del billete. Sin embargo, los billetes de $1 y $2 no tienen este hilo de seguridad. 2. Cambio de color Si se mira el billete por el anverso y se inclina con un pequeà ±o movimiento es posible detectar un cambio de color de los nà ºmeros situados en la parte inferior de la derecha en la que se expresa de cunto valor es el billete. Si se trata de un billete que se imprimià ³ recientemente, el cambio se ve mucho mejor que en otros que son ms antiguos. Tampoco tienen esta medida de seguridadà los billetes de $1 y $2. 3. Marca de agua Cuando se levanta el billete y se pone a contraluz, se puede observar una imagen similar a la del anverso y que no est bien definida.à Forma parte del papel y sà ³lo se ve asà . Los billetes de $1 y $2 no tienen, por ahora, marca de agua. Todos los dems, sà . 4. Tacto Las fà ³rmulas del papel en el que se imprimen los billetes y la tinta que se utiliza son secretas. Se sabe que est conformado en un 75 por ciento por algodà ³n y un 25 por ciento es lino, pero poco ms. Cuando los billetes entran en circulacià ³n el papel se desgasta de un modo muy particular de tal modo que las personas muy acostumbradas a tener en sus manos billetes -como dependientes de almacenes, taxistas, empleados de bancos, etc.- detectan rpidamente los billetes falsos. Carecen del tacto que hace tan peculiar al dà ³lar verdadero. 5. Fibra roja y azul Es posible detectar diminutas fibras rojas y azules por todo el billete y que forman parte del papel. En los dà ³lares falsos se puede apreciar que, o bien faltan, o bien estn impresas. Es decir, no son parte intrà nseca del papel. 6. Coincidencia de las cantidades Una de las formas clsicas de falsificar un billete es pegar muy bien y profesionalmente un nà ºmero en las esquinas donde aparece el valor del billete. Por ejemplo, aà ±adir un cero a un billete de $5 y asà obtener uno de $50. Es recomendable comprobar siempre que la cantidad en nà ºmero corresponde con la que se especifica en letra en el anverso y reverso del billete y que la cantidad que dice en nà ºmero corresponde con la correcta del retrato. Estas son: $1: George Washington (retrato pequeà ±o). El 45 por ciento de los billetes que se imprimen son de esta denominacià ³n. Son los ms usados y estn en circulacià ³n una media de menos de 6 aà ±os.$2: Thomas Jefferson (retrato pequeà ±o). Son raros, sà que existen$5: Abraham Lincoln. El color de fondo es violeta (pà ºrpura). Retrato grande.$10: Alexander Hamilton. El color de fondo es naranja. Retrato grande.$20: Andrew Jackson. Fondo de color verde y retrato grande.$50: Ulysses S. Grant. Fondo rosa y retrato grande.$100: Benjamin Franklin. Retrato grande, fondo de color. Es el segundo billete con mayor cantidad de unidades en circulacià ³n, despuà ©s del de $1.à Est previsto que en el aà ±o 2020 se presentarn pà ºblicamente billetes con figuras de mujeres, como por ejemplo Harriet Tubman en los de $20, pero tardarn todavà a varios aà ±os en estar en circulacià ³n, porque se tarda mucho tiempo en desarrollar billetes nuevos con todas los requisitos de seguridad. Adems, Steven Mnuchin, secretario del Tesoro en el gobierno de Donald Trump, ha expresado sus dudas a la hora deà cambiar la figura de Andrew Jackson con la de Tubman, una mujer negra que nacià ³ esclava y se convirtià ³ en una figura abolicionista clave en el siglo XIX. 7. Nà ºmeros de serie Es recomendable verificar que todos tengan el mismo estilo y que la distancia entre un nà ºmero y otro es siempre la misma. Adems, el color de los nà ºmeros de serie debe ser exacto, incluido el matiz, que el del sello del departamento del Tesoro. 8. Sellos de la Reserva Federal y del Departamento de Tesoro Los dientes de sierra de los sellos de la Reserva Federal y del departamento del Tesoro deben ser claros y no tener ninguno roto. 9. Comparacià ³n con otro billete Si se tiene dudaà sobre si un billete es genuino, es recomendable compararlo con otro de igual valor y, a poder ser, de la misma serie, y que se ha obtenido de un banco. Al ponerlos juntos generalmente se ve fcilmente la diferencia si uno de ellos es falso. 10. Otras formas de detectar billetes de dà ³lar falso Se puede comprar un lpiz detector de billetes falsos (counterfeit detection pens) en cualquier librerà a grande o tienda de artà culos de oficina. Sirven para detectar si el papel es falso. Al pintar una là nea sobre el billete y si torna color oro, entonces es verdadero. Si, en cambio, es marrà ³n oscura o gris, el billete es falso. Otras caracterà sticas del dà ³lar americano a tener en cuenta Cada billete pesa 1 gramo y todos los billetes tienen el mismo tamaà ±o: 16 pulgadas cuadradas.El Departamento del Tesoro reintegra billetes de dà ³lar a las personas que le entregan billetes rotos, siempre y cuanto tengan la mitad del mismo, como mà nimo.El 94 por ciento de los billetes est contaminado con algà ºn tipo de bacteria, la mayorà a no peligrosa, y el 90à por ciento contiene restos de cocaà na.Desde 1865 el Servicio Secreto es el encargado de proteger al dà ³lar y perseguir los billetes falsos y a quià ©nes los fabrican o utilizan. En aquel momento, justo al acabar la Guerra Civil (Secesià ³n), se calculaba que 1 de cada 3 billetes de dà ³lar en circulacià ³n eran falsos. A tener en cuenta si se tiene un documento falso En los billetes nuevos de $5, $10, $20 y $50 aparece la constelacià ³n Eurion, al igual que en otras divisas. Puede ser reconocida por los programas informticos y su objetivo es impedir que se reproduzcan billetes utilizando fotocopiadoras a color. En el caso de estar en posesià ³n de un billete falso adquirido involuntariamente, esà buena prctica contactar con el Servicio Secreto, ya que es quien se ocupa de este tipo de asuntos, aunque si se est en los Estados unidos en situacià ³n de indocumentado, antes de contactar a las autoridades es aconsejable asesorarse con un abogado. Por otro lado, pagar con un billete de dà ³lar falso es un delito federal, lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como una felony. La condena por un delito es causa para cancelar la visa o para que negar su renovacià ³n. Incluso es causa para que nieguen una visa de inmigrante o un ajuste de estatus para obtener la tarjeta de residencia permanente, conocida como green card. Consejos para turistas extranjeros en Estados Unidos Para evitar problemas, adems de no pagar con billetes falsos, se recomienda tener claro conà quà ©Ã frecuencia se puede volver a ingresar a EEUU como turistaà para evitar que las autoridades cancelen o revoquen la visa de turista. Adems, teniendo en cuenta lo caro que puede resultar obtener tratamiento mà ©dico, es muy recomendable saber cà ³moà comprar seguro mà ©dico antes de viajar a Estados Unidos, teniendo en cuenta que si por una emergencia mà ©dica se causa un gasto a Medicaid, se considerarà a a esa personaà una carga pà ºblica para los Estados Unidos y podrà a ser una causa para negar o cancelar la visa.à Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Basel committee's risk categories in relation to financial Essay
Basel committee's risk categories in relation to financial instituitions in relation to financial and non financial organisations - Essay Example In banks, there is a possibility for financial data to disappear. Financial information on loans given, repaid, capital, withdrawals and deposits made can be stolen by the employees or simply disappear due to poor technological procedures. The Basel Committee identifies that internal loss of data can occur due to poor risk management processes, new technological methods and upcoming business activities. Basel Committee identifies that a company is not able to have the right documentations in its accounts if it has loss of data. This means that its profit and loss margins will be under estimated. This is dangerous to the company as it will not reveal the real amount of capital used to carry out the activities (Basel, 2006, pp. 141-153). Case studies on non-financial organisations reveal that they are at a risk of internal fraud. This is so because they also use money or capital in purchasing their materials for their use. The case studies revel that non financial organisations mainly undergo the risk internal fraud by making misstatements on the financial statements. This does not indicate the true financial state of the organisations. The case study reveals that both financial and non-financial organisation can show fraud by looking at the growth in terms of their revenue and how it keeps changing. The margin of their growth of revenue is not very consistent. For a company to know where it lies in the financial market, the growth change in revenue is supposed to be a bit consistent. It is not supposed to have big margins. According to Ericksonââ¬â¢s and other scholars, the audit sector is normally not able to detect fraud because of the lack of understanding of the organisational environments they are working o n (Erickson, 2001, pp.166-193). According to the studies made on Basel Committee, external fraud occurs is mainly done against the organisations. It undergoes external fraud due to misinformation from its clients in
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
NURSING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
NURSING - Essay Example A muscle is a vital type of soft tissues found in every organ of an animalââ¬â¢s body, the cells in a muscle of myosin, protein and acting all of which are vital in influencing the shape and size of an organ thus the entire organism (Blakey 77). Among the most vital muscles in the human body that enhance movement is the skeletal muscle. The skeletal muscle is responsible for the upright posture of humans. It connects bones through tendons, which act as levers thereby enabling movement. During a jog, both the arms and the legs move systematically. The lifting and dropping of the limbs during a jog arises from the ability of the skeletal muscles. The tendons in both the leg and the arm lift various parts of the limbs at the various synovial joints. Synovial joints foster the movement of various body parts in humans. Such are the most common types of joints in humans. A joint is a point in the body where two bones meet. Synovial joints have a slimy lubricant that enhances the efficiency in the contact of the bones in humans. Such joints as the elbow and the knee are among the most vital synovial joints that facilitate the movement of a body (Barnett 121). The synovial fluid requires adequate supply of blood from the arteries that share the anastomosis at the joint. Jogging engages the joints thereby heightening their activity. The heightened activity in turn increases the flow of blood through the arteries to the synovial fluid in the joints. Such is a desirable occurrence that enhances the functionality of the joints since they the synovial fluid replenishes itself thus keeping the joints functional. Regular jogging facilitates an adaptation tendency. The arteries expand thereby supplying the synovial fluid with adequate blood . This in turn enhances the production of the fluid thereby reducing the chances of people suffering from any form of joint aches breakages especially in old age. Among the movements at the joints in a
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Evaluate Goals Essay Example for Free
Evaluate Goals Essay Goal 1 is in accordance with one of the ââ¬Å"six conditions that are necessary and sufficient to achieve therapeutic changes on the part of the client which is counselor congruence or genuineness in the therapeutic relationshipâ⬠(Crutchfield, et al, 2000). Goal 2 means developing bonds between analyst and client as what Adler had stated: ââ¬Å"Adlerââ¬â¢s encouragement skills included demonstrating concern for clients through active listening and empathy, and communicating respect for and confidence in clientsâ⬠(Crutchfield, et al, 2000). Goal 3 pertains to keeping the therapeutic session simple without minding the time, in accordance to two of the six given conditions necessary for therapeutic changes in client which is: warmth or unconditional regard for the client, and the ability of counselor to empathize with the client. Goal 4 means that I will now concentrate on my fourth goal which is to develop empathy with the client by focusing on the clientââ¬â¢s emotions. In psychotherapy, ââ¬Å"empathy refers to ââ¬Å"feeling intoâ⬠the experience of another personâ⬠(Feller and Rocco Cotton, 2003). I believe this is an important step that will lead to the last of the six conditions stated by Adler, which is unconditional positive regard to the client (Crutchfield, et al, 2000). After reviewing my pre-practicum Residency packet, I came into conclusion that my goals have inspired me and will definitely serve as my driving force to enter Residency II.I believe that taking Residency II is what I needed in order to become an expert in my field of study. Bibliography Crutchfield, L. , Baltimore, H. , Felfell, M. Worth, S. (2000, March). Empathic Responding Skills across Counselor Education Training Tracks: A Comparison Study, Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education Development. Retrieved July 10, 2009, from Academic Search Premier database. Feller, R. , Rocco Cotton, E. (2003). The Importance of Empathy in Therapeutic Alliance. EBSCO Publishing.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment Essays -- Humanities
Discuss the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment along with the subsequent reaction as embodied by the Romantic movement. Give specific examples of how these movements affected the arts. What was their eventual impact on the western intellectual world. The Scientific revolution and The Enlightenment period overlapped by a hundred years and were co-occurring between 1650-1750. The Scientific Revolution happening first and beginning around 1600, was a period of time when new ideas and tools were created and used to experiment with the physical world, occurring between 1600-1750. New methods increased learning capacities across the board and toward what was thought of as ââ¬Å"human perfectibilityâ⬠, old ideas were put through a new test of empirical reasoning. Galileo Galilei made advances in astronomy by advancing the design of already existing telescopes by add a 30 power magnification, as a result he received major opposition from the Roman Catholic church (Landmarks 295). During this time Francis Bacon also made a plea for separation between science and religion in his 1620 writing ââ¬Å"Novum Organumâ⬠. The Enlightenment period, which was fueled by the Scientific revolution was also called the Age of Reason. The time period was between 1650 and 1800, lasting half a century past the Scientific Revolution. Both eras were based on fact, knowledge and reason as opposed to religion, much like the ancient Greco-Roman advancement. The enlightenment saw the formation of social sciences: anthropology, sociology, economics, and political science ââ¬âall devoted to the study of humankind and the guarantee of higher and more enlightened social order and achievements (Landmarks 297). During this period philosophers continued to fiercely de... ... was missing from the Enlightenment. The overall reaction to the Enlightenment tossed out social ills and accepted the Scientific revolution for what it was but left it slow to progress until the 20th century which brought about advanced in digital information. The impact of the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment on the western world caused philosophers, scholars, and free thinkers to speculate if reason could solve poverty, war, and ignorance. New ways of thinking and reasoning, like the empirical method led to new ideas about government, religion, education, and economics. Works cited Baldasso, Renzo. "The Role of Visual Representation in the Scientiï ¬ c Revolution: A Historiographic Inquiry." Print. Fiero, Gloria K. Landmarks in Humanities. 2nd ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2009. Print.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
FAN UP Market Analysis and Sales Projections Essay
FAN UP is positioned within the Smartphone Applications Industry. Mobile devices with remote internet capability, smart phones, have created an entirely new market of users that can be reached on the go. Due to the recent nature of Smartphone technology, we are witnessing rapid growth and innovation in the smart phone applications industry. FAN UP allows the event host the ability to seamlessly pair a sponsor with individuals coming to the event. By doing so, FAN UP will open the door to endless brand reach through Social Media via the user, additional in-à â⬠game/concert advertisement, fan appreciation, and a creative way for each event host to use their event to leverage underutilized sponsorships and promote their brand. Industry Analysis Mobile applications have changed a number of industry landscapes in recent history. This industry shows annual growth projections from 2009-à â⬠2014 to be 49.8% and from 2013-à â⬠2018 to be 28.9%. The evidence of this growth is a reason this app will be successful. Competition in the Smartphone Applications Industry is very strong. Because of this, it is important to analyze the different forces at work within the industry. This chart, information gathered from IBIS World, lays out the industry structure: Life Cycle Stage Growth Revenue Volatility Very high Capital Intensity Low Industry Assistance Low Concentration Level Low Regulation Level Medium Technology Change High Barriers to Entry Low Industry Globalization Low Competition Level High The first key external factor in this industry is the number of mobile internet connections. As the number of smart phone purchases increases with the number of mobile internet connections in 2014, app developers will have a larger market for their products. Secondly, as demand from e-à â⬠commerce increases in 2014, retailers have expanded their product lines, the platforms on which they operate, and retailers are expected to create more shopping apps to assist time-à â⬠strapped consumers. Next, time spent on leisure and sports represents one of the most key external factors. Time spent on leisure and sports is expected to decrease slowly in 2014, resulting in a potential threat for the industry. While the industry now serves a broad audience, leisure time is a major restrictive factor in a consumersââ¬â¢ ability to use and purchase smart phone app products. The US Census Bureau data re-à â⬠iterates more of the same industry trends. ââ¬Å"In 2011, U.S. nonfarm businesses with employees spent a total of $289.9 billion on non-à â⬠capitalized and capitalized information and communication technology (ICT) equipment, including computer software. This represents an increase of 10.6% from 2010. Of the $65.2 billi on spent on noncapitalized computer software, $29.9 billion was for purchases and payroll for developing software, an increase of 7.3% from 2010. $35.3 billion was for software licensing and service/maintenance agreements, an increase of $3.9 billion (12.6 percent) from 2010.â⬠Although the growth of mobile apps is on the rise, revenue earned from these apps is expected to increase at a slower rate. Over the next five years, consumers are expected to continue wander away from pay-à â⬠to-à â⬠download apps, forcing developers to embrace the ââ¬Å"freemiumâ⬠business model that relies on monetizing free downloads after the fact via in-à â⬠app purchases. By 2019, free downloads are expected to account for about 95.5% of total mobile app store downloads. In the five years to 2019, revenue is expected to experience a 28.9% increase, reaching a total of a $34.7 billion smart phone application industry. Market Analysis The market analysis for FAN UP is atypical of most apps. FAN UP will start by focusing on the target market of Sports Franchises in the US and Concert and Event Promotion in the US. FAN UP will serve Gym, Health and Fitness Clubs in the US, Ski and Snowboard Resorts in the US, and Amusement Parks in the US in the secondary market. The sports franchise market in the US is comprised of sports teams or clubs that participate in live professional or semiprofessional sporting events (e.g. baseball, basketball, football, hockey, soccer and other team sports) before a paying audience. This market makes up the first half of the target market. Over the five years to 2013, revenue is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 1.4% to $23.6 billion, and includes a 1.5% increase in 2013 alone. The key external factors for the sports franchise market loosely hold true for the entire scope of the FAN UP market. The external factors include per capita disposable income is expected to increase by 0.8% during 2013, the number of households earning more than $100,000 is expected to increase slowly over 2013, external competition from other sports franchises is expected to increase during 2013 which represents a threat in the industry but not the market, and time spent on leisure and sports is expected to decrease slowly during 2013. Industry revenue is expected to expand 1.5% in 2013. Also, some franchises are opening new or remodeling existing stadiums to attract more consumers. Concert and Event Promotion in the US is the second half of the target market. This market creates, manages and promotes live performances and events, ranging from concerts and theater performances to state fairs and air shows. This industry has an annual growth projection of 2.6% from 2013-à â⬠2018 with 49,825 operating businesses. Federal funding for Creative Arts is the key external factor that deviates from the sports franchises market. Many nonprofit establishments in this industry rely to some extent on federal funding, particularly grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, an independent agency that Congress established in 1965 to support the arts. Federal funding for creative arts is expected to increase slowly during 2013. This market has a history of good performance even when other industries struggle. Except for moderate wavering in 2010, the economic downturn ha s done little to deter Americans from attending live concerts and other entertainment events. Over the five years to 2013, industry revenue has grown at an estimated annualized rate of 1.3% to $23.7 billion, including a 3.5% anticipated increase in 2013. Revenue Model FAN UP will create revenue through brokerage fees, reach bonuses, and advertising. This recurring revenues model will be paid by the host of the event (i.e. Carolina Panthers, Live Nation, etc.) for each event in which FAN UP participates. The app will be free from the App Store because, as shown in the data, consumers are increasingly less likely to pay for an app. The brokerage fees are for the access to the appââ¬â¢s consumer base. The reach bonus is in place because with more reach, the more the host can charge the sponsor of the FAN UP sponsorship package. The FAN UP pricing will be dynamic in that negotiations must take place with each new partner in order to agree upon the percentage of the FAN UP sponsorship that FAN UP will receive. The price of the FAN UP sponsorship package will be a negotiation be tween the event host and the brand. Works Cited: 1. IBIS World 2. US Census Bureau 3. http://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/designing-à â⬠business-à â⬠information-à â⬠systems-à â⬠apps-à â⬠websites-à â⬠and-à â⬠more/s13-à â⬠industry-à â⬠analysis-à â⬠smartphone -à â⬠a.html 4. http://www.softwareengineerinsider.com/articles/smartphone-à â⬠app-à â⬠development.html#.UvBroChU6xK 5. http://digby.com/mobile-à â⬠statistics/
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Becoming and effective scholar practitioner
The scientific revolution has been concerned with scientific discoveries for the growth of the scientific discipline. Scientific experiments and researches were conducted for the pursuit of knowledge, to gather information to support theoretical assumptions, to test objective hypothesis which was directed at finding a means of understanding man and the world we live in.In this period, scientific endeavors was conducted because a scientist had a question he desires to find answers to and experimenting in the strict academic rigors was the only way to do it.The knowledge gained from these experiments enabled man to develop the atomic bomb, to fly airplanes, to invent the telephone, to recognize that hysteria is a mental disease and that human beings came from the apes. The scientific discoveries of those times were pursued for the sake of discovery, for widening what was previously known and accepted (Lambert & Brittan, 1987). After this long period, it was only then that science becam e an applied science. Scientific endeavors were now geared towards how the experiment or research study influenced certain aspects of human life.For example, the science of psychology came at the forefront of social awareness when tests were developed to classify the intelligence level of American soldiers. The objective of scientific disciplines then became the application of the scientific method/process to improve manââ¬â¢s quality of life. Thus, the focus was how technological advancements made work less physically demanding, how household appliances helped overworked housewives, how intelligence tests improved instructional quality and the educational system, how counseling and psychotherapy enabled people to lead more meaningful lives and etc.With every scientific application of a certain field, social ramifications and ethical issues arise(Lambert & Brittan, 1987), for example, the increasing practice of having humans as subjects in experimental studies which exposed them to psychological trauma was questioned in terms of its ethical or unethical status. The use of intelligence testing to label children or adults as idiots, to classify homosexuality as a mental disorder and a host of now defunct and challenged assumptions was a manifestation that social responsibility and social awareness was increasing.People were beginning to question the validity and reliability of experimental studies, the preference for quantitative studies using statistics enabled practitioners to be within the scientific and objective traditions which also contributed to the highly quantitative research methods. Psychology can be classified as a modern science; it has found its strength in the application of its scientific nature to almost every facet of human life that it has become so popular and everyone to some degree practices psychology (Stoltenberg, Pace, Kashubeck-West, Biever, Patterson & Welch, 2000).However, there is a clear distinction between scholar-practitioners and practical psychology. Scholar-practitioners do not stop with simply practicing their field of specialization, but they rather seek to test, to develop and to explore the past, the present and the future of psychological inquiry (Peterson, 2000). Scholar-practitioners effect social change by their work and their adherence to the scientific tradition of academic investigation.For example, a scholar-practitioner of psychotherapy finds that the previous techniques he had adhered to is not as effective as it used to be, so he tries out a different method and then painstakingly record every session and then formulate an improved or an entirely new technique. He then develops it into a working theory and then test it out on his practice for years and until he finds evidence to support his claims, he then publishes it in peer-reviewed journals where it will be subjected to the scrutiny of other scholar-practitioners who have years of experience, continued their professional growth and adhered to the scientific method.The scholar-practitionerââ¬â¢s work does not end here, he will continue to test, modify and write about his theory for the rest of his life. With the study of school psychology of learning difficulties, we are now able to identify, diagnose and provide interventions for learning challenged children, in the past these children have been labeled as slow learners, disabled, abnormal and thus there were no adequate programs to answer their needs (Prilleltensky, 1997).Scholar-practitioners who specialize in counseling may have come across teens and adults who are undecided about their sexuality, this brought into social consciousness that homosexuality or bisexuality is not a disease and that it is often a choice that individuals make in terms of their sexual preference, backed by years of data and research, the public has become more receptive to homosexuals than before, although much more is needed to help them feel normal and not as deviants. How do scholar-practitioners choose the topic or the question that they would like to work on?The key is the strong attunement of the scholar-practitioner to the contemporary issues of the present society, in the field of study, in the psychological discipline. Being knowledgeable of what pressing concerns the discipline of psychology is facing will help the scholar-practitioner steer his work in answering the need for studying and investigating this aspect. It is also important that with an inquisitive and critical mind is the training and the ability to work within the scientific model.It is also important that scholar-practitioners adhere to the concept that psychology is a science and not a part of the popular culture as it has been utilized by money making self-help book authors. A scholar-practitioner enriches his knowledge and skills of the filed of specialization through his practice, but what enables him to dissect, to theorize, to formulate hypotheses and to effect change is the mastery and experience of scientific research methods.When the scientific mind works together with the practical application, the practitioner grows in leaps and bounds in terms of his professional acumen and as a person of honesty and integrity. References Lambert, K. & Brittan Jr. , G. (1987). An introduction to the philosophy of science 3rd ed. California: Ridgeview Publishing Company. Peterson, D. (2000). Scientist-practitioner or scientific-practitioner? American Psychologist, 55;2, 252-253. Prilleltensky, I. (1997). Values, assumptions, and practices: Assessing the moral implications of psychological discourse and action. American Psychologist, 52; 5, 517-535. Stoltenberg, C. , Pace, T. , Kashubeck-West, S. , Biever, J. , Patterson, T. & Welch, I. (2000). Training models in counseling psychology: Scientist-practitioner versus practitioner-scholar. The Counseling Psychologist, 28, 622-640.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How to Write a 5-Paragraph Essay on American Culture
How to Write a 5-Paragraph Essay on American Culture A five paragraph essay is a standard essay which, once learned, serves as the foundation for all other forms of writing. This format is important to learn because it will help to structure nearly all academic writing assignments going forward. To begin a five paragraph essay, you need a topic. In some cases, your teacher will give you one, in others they may allow you some leeway in the selection of your topic. With the topic in hand, you need to formulate a thesis statement. The thesis functions as a single statement which presents the purpose of your paper. It should be the first or last sentence in your introductory paragraph which is where you will introduce the points you are going to make in support of your thesis. There are three body paragraphs inside of which you can present three key components to support your thesis. If, for example, you are claiming that American culture has changes a lot, you must present three key findings each in a separate paragraph to support that idea. You might explain it on the example of music in the first paragraph, art in the second paragraph, and cinematography the third paragraph. The conclusion is the fifth and final paragraph where you remind the reader of the three points you ma de and what evidence you had to back them up. The structure for all 5 paragraph essays is as follows: Introduction. This is where you introduce your topic, where you provide your reader with an idea of how your essay will be organized and what three points you will be making to support your claim. First body paragraph. This should encompass one of your three points with evidence. This evidence can come in the form of data, statistics, quotes from experts, logic, or reason, from reputable sources. Second body paragraph. The same details for the first body paragraph are true here, such that you need to support your claim with evidence. Third body paragraph. Again, the same details for the first body paragraph are true here, insofar as you must support your claims with evidence. The last paragraph. This is where you remind the reader of your claim and what three points you brought up in your body paragraphs. These are general guidelines that will be greatly helpful in producing an academic paper. But if you want to make your assignment even worthier, then read our facts on American culture or use the topics that are prepared beforehand. This way youââ¬â¢ll optimize your writing process to the maximum. If you still need professional writing help from experts, feel free order a custom essay online at CustomWritings.com.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Setting a Multi-Line Caption for a TLabel in Delphi
Setting a Multi-Line Caption for a TLabel in Delphi A TLabel Delphi component has a WordWrap property you can set to true in order for the text in the Caption property appear wrapped (multi-lined) when it is too long for the width of the label. Whats more, at run-time, you can use the next assignment to specify multiple lines of text for a Label: Label1.Caption : First line #13#10 SecondLine; However, you *cannot* specify multi-line text for a TLabel at design-time, using Object Inspector. Instructions One trick to add more lines of text for a Caption property of a TLabel, at design time, is to edit the Forms .DFM file directly. Heres how: Drop a TLabel on a FormRight click the Form to activate the popup menuSelect View As TextLocate the object Label1:TLabel sectionChange the line Caption Label1 to:Caption Label1 #13#10 Second lineRight click the code to activate the popup, againSelect View As FormJob done! TLabel with multiple lines of text, at design-time!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Thailand Baht Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Thailand Baht - Essay Example The Thai government used a majority of their foreign reserves and bought the Thai Baht so as to give strength to its currency, people were selling Baht in mass numbers and this was further weakening the currency, this step of buying the Baht restored some much needed stability and financial order in the country. ââ¬Å"It cost the Thai government $5 billion to defend the baht, which reduced its "officially reported" foreign exchange reserves to a two-year low of $33 billion. In addition, the Thai government raised key interest rates from 10 percent to 12.5 percent to make holding baht more attractive, but because this also raised corporate borrowing costs it exacerbated the debt crisis. What the world financial community did not know at this point, was that with the blessing of his superiors, a foreign exchange trader at the Thai central bank had locked up most of Thailands foreign exchange reserves in forward contracts.â⬠(Competing in the Global Marketplace) After making several attempts to save the Baht the government of Thailand ran out of reserves and resources and finally accepted that the peg had become implausible to defend. They did make several efforts to save the Baht but they could not succeed. The Thai government had $1.14 billion in reserves and all of it was used and even then the currency could not be saved from a freefall. The government of Thailand made earnest several efforts to save the freefall of Thai Baht, the most important measure perhaps was buying the currency by using their foreign reserves, over a billion dollars were spent on purchasing the Thai Baht but even after spending all their foreign reserves the government fell short of idea and accepted their defeat. To conclude it is fair to say that the efforts were indubitably there but the Thai government got their strategy completely wrong and this is why the currency and the
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