Sunday, January 26, 2020

Effect of Robot Technology for Post Stroke Gait Improvement

Effect of Robot Technology for Post Stroke Gait Improvement Introduction Stroke is a one of the most severe health problem worldwide; it is a syndrome characterised by signs and symptoms that develop rapidly resulting in focal and global loss of cerebral functions. These sign and symptoms resulting from vascular insufficiency last for over 24 hours eventually results in severe physical and functional disability or may also cause death. It has been also found that per year prevalence rate of stroke is high i.e. 2/1000. However, the mortality rate of stroke is reduce in past few years but it is still the second most cause of death worldwide following chronic heart disease and third-most leading cause of death in New Zealand following cancer at first and chronic heart disease at second. Moreover, because of the poor functional outcome in majority of post-stroke patients, makes stroke as an utmost cause of disability worldwide; as one-third of post stroke population suffers with severe functional disability even after five years of stroke. Besides, over 7000 stroke incident reports per year in New Zealand; 3/4th of this post stroke population have to live dependently on others for their Activities of daily living. Eventually, post-stroke functional disability and rehabilitation cost of post stroke victims results in increase holistic socioeconomic burden; in conjunction with victim and their respective family member, i ncreases the worldwide economic burden at 4% (Barker, 2010). According to previous studies; neuroplasticity mechanism plays an imperative role in post-stroke functional improvement. In an endeavour to achieve effective functional recovery, it is mandatory to use neuroplasticity mechanism effectively is an essential goal to include during the stroke rehabilitation (Pekna, 2012). Whilst, multidisciplinary treatment approach and task specific training embellish with consistent repetition or high intensity task practice are also vital for functional recovery after stroke1. Therefore, it is essential to include these fundamental principal during the goal setting of stroke rehabilitation (Langhorne, 2011). Furthermore previous studies reveals; coordinated reciprocal movements and pastoral tone is reduce or lost subsequently post-stroke. Therefore, gait alteration is one of the most common disability among post-stroke patient; as 30% of the stroke survivors have impaired walking ability i.e., slow walking velocity in conjunction with decrease endurance and poor ability to adopt constrains during walking (Tilling, 2001). Eventually, in an endeavour to improve activities of daily living and functional independence among stroke victim; an independent ambulation is an important goal to achieve during stroke rehabilitation. Kwakkel (1999), suggest the imperative role of motor control in improving the ability to control and regulate normal pattern of movement. Besides, it has been also found from studies that for an efficient motor relearning programme it is important to emphasize on the three essential components: Neural; Muscular and; Biomechanical . Therefore, it is essential to focus on high intensity and diversity of specific tasks during the post stroke relearning of skilful movements. Consequently, multidisciplinary approach is supposed to be more beneficial and important for the motor relearning of the stroke patients. Evidently it has been conclude from the previous studies; although innumerable of stroke victims reported worldwide; besides a huge variability in treatment approaches for post-stroke rehabilitation also exists. Therefore, in manoeuvre to reduce post-stroke disability, it is essential to have a reliable and effective rehabilitation treatment. In the recent years a new technology with the help of advance computational approaches and sophisticated electromechanical components has been developed and named as Robot. A robot is develop and design in such a way that it can be re-programmable and perform multi-functional tasks by moving specialize devices. Therefore, it can be used to accomplish a specific task by programming it to produce variable specific motion movements (Pignolo, 2009). As it has been already conclude that the utmost requirements are the consistent repetition or high intensity task practice in stroke rehabilitation; because of the available advancement in technology, it is advantageous to use robot as an effective intervention in stroke rehabilitation (Stein, 2012). Majority of studies have been done to determine the effect of conventional rehabilitation approaches on the variables (function and walking speed) associated with gait training of stroke patients. In most of these studies conventional physiotherapy treatment was included to rehabilitate the gait of the stroke patients therefore; the results of these studies is mainly based upon single treatment approach. Apparently, results of these single treatment approach studies may not be that much beneficial because of the diversity in post-stroke functional loss. Eventually, as soon as robot technology is accepted as an effective intervention for the rehabilitation for stroke; majority of studies are now focus on effectiveness of therapeutic rehabilitation robots surge dramatically. As it has been already found, that the high dosage intensive training and high intensity functional task practice plays an imperative role in stroke rehabilitation. Besides, it has been also reveal that robotic technology has the advantage of delivering this high dosage intensive training and consistent practice of specific functional task. Therefore robot technology as an intervention can play an imperative role in minimizing the adverse post stroke disability effect. Therefore, the aim of the current study is to compare the effect of robotic technology as an intervention on the functional improvement and gait training in the insight of evidence that; a robotic technology as an intervention enhances functional and gait improvement among post-stroke people. METHODS Search Strategy In the present study, a variety of electronic database were search for the initial literature search: EBSCO and Medline health database, Elsevier, PubMed, google, Pedro, AUT library database. Extensive key word were included for the initial search: Stroke; post-stroke disability; neuroplasticity; motor disorder; functional impairment; gait dysfunction; stroke rehabilitation; conventional treatment approach, robot intervention . In the manoeuvre of standardized approach during the search procedure; the list of keyword and all their combinations were used uniformly for searching the literature. Furthermore, additional keywords were added to the main keywords list included review,critical,meta and systematic review when searching for past review articles on stretching and exercise interventions. Study Selection Inclusion Criteria: There was not limitation on the date of publication but search was limited to articles publish in English language. The studies having randomized controlled trial and quasi-experimental studies; comparing either the experimental group with another intervention or with a control group were eligible to include in the present study. The study was restricted to those post-stroke patients who are in sub-acute or chronic stage, fully cooperative and able to follow command, having robot assisted rehabilitation for gait impairment and functional disability. Participants included in studies should not have any; pathological restricted ROM, amputation of any lower limb joint. Furthermore, pilot studies and single case studies were excluded in the present study. Data extraction Data from included studies were extracted for the variables of interest: Gait improvement and functional independence. Then for the tabulated presentation of data; it was then presented in the table 2, under the headings: Author; Study design; Intervention; Outcome measures and; Main findings. Internal validity of the studies The internal validity of the included studies for the appraisal and grading of intervention were checked through a modified version of the Cochrane Musculoskeletal Injuries Group (CMIG) scoring system that comprises of eleven items covering aspects of study design. A final overall score or quality rating (out of a possible 11) for all the included studies was then awarded to each intervention paper. Data synthesis In all the included studies; effect of the robot assisted intervention on post-stroke patients was analysed through gait improvement and functional independence. However, most of the studies included in this literature review also have a diversity in the variables of interest therefore, in an endeavour to check quality of the included studies; a pattern of evidence approach was thus used and marked accordingly on the basis of their design and consistency of finding: low quality if it scored 5 to 6; moderate quality if it scored 6 to 8 and; high quality if it scored 9 or above. Among the included eight studies; one found to be of high quality with score at 9 and remaining studies were of moderate quality with an average score at 6 to 8. RESULTS Initially after searching various database, two thousand articles were identified and out of these articles only twenty articles were found to be appropriate for the abstract review. Thereafter, only 10 papers were found to have the full paper review, and then out of these 8 intervention studies were selected on the basis of the inclusion criteria and were further subject to critical appraisal and scoring. The primary reasons for the rejection of papers were the intervention other than Robot. Secondly, remaining non-included studies were focused on the population having either acute phase of stroke, restricted rom and amputation of the lower limb. The information relating to each paper included in the review is shown Figure 1. Figure 1: Flowchart Efficacy of robot intervention in Stroke rehabilitation Selected variables – Robot intervention; Gait improvement and Functional independence Two thousand paper were found 100 articles identified, 20 were suitable for abstract review, 10 papers were selected for the full paper review 8 intervention studies were selected on the basis of the inclusion criteria and were further subject to critical appraisal and scoring Inclusion criteria-RCT; Quasi experimental; English language; Robot intervention; Stroke patients Exclusion criteria Restricted rom; Amputation, Pilot studies, Single case studies Results – One study include is of high quality score at 9 and seven are of moderate quality score at 6 to 8 Quality The scores related to the quality of the papers (QS) varied from 6 to 9. One paper attained a strong quality score each at 9, while all others were at moderate quality score at 6 to 8. The key elements associated with the quality of each paper (blinding of subjects and treatment providers etc.), that were not addressed well are presented in Table 1. Table 1: Internal validity of the studies S.N Author A B C D E F G H I J K Quality score 1 Bandy, W.D. (1994) Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y 9 2 Bandy, W.D. (1997) Y Y Y N.P N N N.P Y Y Y Y 7 3 Baranda, P. S. (2010), Y Y Y N.P N.P N N.P Y Y Y Y 7 4 Feland, J. B. (1999). Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y 9 5 Feland, J. B. (2001) Y Y Y N.P N.P N N Y Y Y Y 7 6 Ford, G. S. (2005) Y Y Y Y N N N.P N Y Y Y 7 7 Odunaiya, N.A. (2005) Y Y Y N N N.P N N.P Y Y Y 6 8 OHora, J. (2011) Y Y Y N N N N N Y Y Y 6 9 Zakas, A. B. (2013) Y Y Y Y N.P N.P N.P Y Y Y Y 8 Participants From the overall prospective, there were a total of 327 subjects in all the included studies. All the subject included in the studies were stroke patients, having gait impairments and functional dependency. Firstly, it has been found that in all the included studies; an informed consent form was gathered from subjects for their ethical approval. Moreover, in order to keep subjects blinded to the interventions; a randomization of subjects in different groups was done by an appropriate manner. Furthermore, in all the included studies Robot intervention was used as an intervention for the rehabilitation of gait and functional independence. The Robotic device used in all the included studies for the intervention was Lokomat.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Improvement of the International Trade Essay

Introduction Organizations are facing increased global competition, economic uncertainties, and changing markets. Technology is changing the way we conduct business and manage information. Outsourcing of goods and services enables companies to take advantage of lower costs in areas such as labor, energy, land and capital. By doing this, companies hope to lower their overall cost structure, improve profit margins, and enhance product quality, reliability and distribution, thus allowing them to compete more effectively. Suppliers and vendor partners may be located in the same city, region or country. But they are just as likely to be located halfway around the world, adding new challenges to business management. The growth of international strategic partnerships has risen exponentially in the last twenty years. Competing in a global marketplace has made it increasingly important to align business strategies with a risk management strategy that includes strengthening global supply chains and vendor partnerships. In the near future, it is supply chains that will compete, not companies. Global supply chains must be carefully selected and monitored to ensure the competitive edge required to achieve success in the global market place. Typically, the first order of business has been logistics and operations. 1. Logistics moves the entire economy Economic developments in recent years have led to the creation of complex company networks and systems of goods flow – in the process, the globalization of procurement, production and sales as well as the division of labor have increased. In addition, the complexity of international logistics systems in many sectors has grown as a result of increasing product variations and differentiation. Another factor is that many companies are concentrating on their core skills and are reducing their vertical integration. The efficient management of the resulting global flows of goods has boosted both the business and economic significance of logistics. Structure of Global Trade International trade, both in terms of value and tonnage, has been a growing trend in the global economy. It is important to underline when looking at the structure of global trade that it is not nations that are trading, but mostly corporations with the end products mostly consumed by individuals. Inter and intra corporate trade is taking place across national jurisdictions is accounted as international trade. The emergence of the current structure of global trade can mainly be articulated within three major phases: †¢ First phase (immobile factors of production). Concerns a conventional perspective on international trade that prevailed until the 1970s where factors of production were much less mobile. Prior to the end of World War I, global trade was mainly structured by colonial relations. Particularly, there was a limited level of mobility of raw materials, parts and finished products. After World War I international trade became fairly regulated with impediments such tariffs , quotas and limitations to foreign ownership. Trade mainly concerned a range of specific products, namely commodities, (and very few services) that were not readily available in regional economies. Due to regulations, protectionism and fairly high transportation costs, trade remained limited and delayed by inefficient freight distribution. In this context, trade was more an exercise to cope with scarcity than to promote economic efficiency. †¢ Second phase (mobility of factors of production). From the 1980s, the mobility of factors of production, particularly capital, became possible. The legal and physical environment in which international trade was taking place lead to a better realization of the comparative advantages of specific locations. Concomitantly, regional trade agreements emerged and the global trade framework was strengthened from a legal and transactional standpoint (GATT/WTO). In addition, containerization provided the capabilities to support more complex and long distance trade flows, as did the growing air traffic. Due to high production (legacy) costs in old industrial regions, activities that were labor intensive were gradually relocated to lower costs locations. The process began as a national one, then went to nearby countries when possible and afterwards became a truly global phenomenon. Thus, foreign direct investments surged, particularly towards new manufacturing regions as multinational corporations became increasingly flexible in the global positioning of their assets. †¢ Third phase (global production networks). There is a growth in international trade, now including a wide variety of services that were previously fixed to regional markets and a surge in the mobility of the factors of production. Since these trends are well established, the priority is now shifting to the geographical and functional integration of production, distribution and consumption with the emergence of global production networks. Complex networks involving flows of information, commodities, parts and finished goods have been set, which in turn demands a high level of command of logistics and freight distribution. In such an environment, powerful actors have emerged which are not directly involved in the function of production and retailing, but mainly taking the responsibility of managing the web of flows. The global economic system is thus characterized by a growing level of integrated services, finance, retail, manufacturing and nonetheless distribution, which in turn is mainly the outcome of improved transport and logistics, a more efficient exploitation of regional comparative advantages and a transactional environment supportive of the legal and financial complexities of global trade. Trade Facilitation The volume of exchanged goods and services between nations is taking a growing share of the generation of wealth, mainly by offering economic growth opportunities in new regions and by reducing the costs of a wide array of manufacturing goods. By 2007, international trade surpassed for the first time 50% of global GDP, a twofold increase in its share since 1950. The facilitation of trade involves how the procedures regulating the international movements of goods can be improved. It depends on the reduction of the general costs of trade, which considers transaction, tariff, transport and time costs, often labeled as the â€Å"Four Ts† of international trade. United nations estimates have underlined that for developing countries a 10% reduction in transportation cost could be accompanied with a growth of about 20% in international and domestic trade. Thus, the ability to compete in a global economy is dependent on the transport system as well as a trade facilitation framework with activities including: †¢ Distribution-based. A multimodal and intermodal freight transport system composed of modes, infrastructures and terminals that spans across the globe. It insures a physical capacity to support trade and its underlying supply chains. †¢ Regulation-based. Customs procedures, tariffs, regulations and handling of documentation. They insure that trade flows abide to the rules and regulations of the jurisdictions they cross. Cross-border clearance, particularly in developing countries, can be a notable trade impediment with border delays, bottlenecks and long customer clearance times. †¢ Transaction-based. Banking, finance, legal and insurance activities where accounts can be settled and risk mitigated. They insure that the sellers of goods and services are receiving an agreed upon compensation and that the purchasers have a legal recourse if the outcome of the transaction is judged unsatisfactory or is insured if a partial or full loss incurs. The quality, cost, and efficiency of these services influence the trading environment as well as the overall costs linked with the international trade of goods. Many factors have been conductive to trade facilitation in recent decades, including integration processes, standardization, production systems, transport efficiency and transactional efficiency: †¢ Integration processes, such as the emergence of economic blocks and the decrease of tariffs at a global scale through agreements, promoted trade as regulatory regimes were harmonized. One straightforward measure of integration relates to custom delays, which can be a significant trade impediment since it adds uncertainty in supply chain management. The higher the level of economic integration, the more likely the concerned elements are to trade. International trade has consequently been facilitated by a set of factors linked with growing levels of economic integration, the outcome of processes such as the European Union or th e North American Free Trade Agreement. The transactional capacity is consequently facilitated with the development of transportation networks and the adjustment of trade flows that follows increased integration. Integration processes have also taken place at the local scale with the creation of free trade zones where an area is given a different governance structure in order to promote trade, particularly export oriented activities. In this case, the integration process is not uniform as only a portion of a territory is involved. China is a salient example of the far-reaching impacts of the setting of special economic zones operating under a different regulatory regime. †¢ Standardization concerns the setting of a common and ubiquitous frame of reference over information and physical flows. Standards facilitate trade since those abiding by them benefit from reliable, interoperable and compatible goods and services which often results in lower production, distribution and maintenance costs. Measurement units were among the first globally accepted standards (metric system) and the development of information technologies eventually led to common operating and telecommunication systems. It is however the container that is considered to be the most significant international standard for trade facilitation. By offering a load unit that can be handled by any mode and terminal with the proper equipment, access to international trade is improved. †¢ Production systems are more flexible and embedded. It is effectively productive to maintain a network of geographically diversified inputs, which favors exchanges of commodities, parts and services. Information technologies have played a role by facilitating transactions and the management of complex business operations. Foreign direct investments are commonly linked with the globalization of production as corporations invest abroad in search of lower production costs and new markets. China is a leading example of such a process, which went on par with a growing availability of goods and services that can be traded on the global market. †¢ Transport efficiency has increased significantly because of innovations and improvements in the modes and infrastructures in terms of their capacity and throughput. Ports are particularly important in such a context since they are gateways to international trade through maritime shipping networks. As a result, the transferability of commodities, parts and finished goods has improved. Decreasing transport costs does more than increasing trade; it can also help change the location of economic activities. Yet, transborder transportation issues remain to be better addressed in terms of capacity, efficiency and security. †¢ Transactional efficiency. The financial sector also played a significant role in integrating global trade, namely by providing investment capital and credit for international commercial transactions. For instance, a letter of credit may be issued based upon an export contract. An exporter can thus receive a payment guarantee from a bank until its customer finalizes the transaction upon delivery. This is particularly important since the delivery of international trade transactions can take several weeks due to the long distances involved. During the transfer, it is also common that the cargo is insured in the event of damage, theft or delays, a function supported by insurance companies. Also, global financial systems permit to convert currencies according to exchange rates that are commonly set by market forces, while some currencies, such as the Chinese Yuan, are set by policy. Monetary policy can thus be a tool, albeit contentious, used to influence trade. The close relationship between international economic growth and logistics Mobility is a critical condition for gains to be achieved in productivity, growth and employment in a macroeconomic context. The connection between economic growth and demand for product-transporting services is the result of various effects. These effects can clearly show the growing significance of the economic sector of goods distribution: 1 The effect of goods volume For a long time, it was assumed that in highly developed economies fewer and fewer quantities of goods were produced for the macrologistics system and that the transport volume rose at a slower pace than the economy. Today, it can be assumed that the development actually goes in the opposite direction as a result of the increasing inter-company division of labor created by intensified outsourcing in some highly developed countries. Transport intensity – that is, transport performance per production quantity unit – increases for many types of goods. Individual parts or components of a product are transported numerous times during various stages of the value chain, e.g., transports between plants. 2 The effect of goods structure In highly developed economies, the number of high-quality consumer and production goods rises. The share of mass goods, on the other hand, stagnates or even falls. The distribution of goods then shifts to high-quality products that must be shipped quickly. Because of the relatively low costs, road transports Road transport generally benefit. Railroads and inland water transports generally suffer because of their low speed. 3 The effect of logistics Logistics systems constantly undergo optimization. Supply chain management Supply chain management, production-synchronization deliveries that employ just-in-time Just-in-time concepts, the forgoing of storage and global outsourcing are just a few examples of this. But the application of modern logistics concepts affects the economic sector of goods distribution. This is because the new logistics focus of industrial and trade companies has altered the demands placed on the goods-distribution system. Road transports can react relatively flexibly and well to these demands. Railroads and inland water transports have a difficult time making this switch. At the same time, air-freight transports profit from time-critical shipments. 4 The effect of integration The creation of large economic regions gives rise to international, cross-border logistics systems. For instance, the European Union and regulations from the World Trade Organization [World Trade Organization (WTO) have propelled globalization Globalization in the goods-distribution sector. As economic regions spread, cross-border trade expands and the distances that must be covered by logistics systems lengthen. The effect of integration describes the increasing demands placed on the economic sector of goods distribution that are arising from the creation of larger economic regions and cross-border logistics systems. Conclusion: In all likelihood, globalization will continue and intensify. Trade is critical to economic growth and to global development. Trade facilitation has been pointed out as the lowest-hanging fruit in this respect. It has also been argued that logistics services play an important role in matching entrepreneurs in poor countries with foreign customers, whether these are retailers or downstream manufacturers. In particular, as the traditional wholesalers are increasingly being bypassed in modern supply chains, developing countries need to ensure that their entrepreneurs have access to modern intermediaries that can help match local suppliers with foreign buyers and with ensuring that products meet quality as well as time reliability requirements. The future growth of world trade will not be evenly spread, any more than world trade has ever been evenly spread in any period in world history. Individual countries are in very different positions with respect to their ability to benefit from world trade. Part of that is luck – having a coast, and rich neighbors help. But part of it is skill. Countries that are open to world trade, that create the infrastructure, and above all the right attitude, will be best placed to weather the current hiatus more successfully, and to prosper in the years ahead. References:

Friday, January 10, 2020

Legalizing Assisted Suicide For Terminally Ill Patients

The highest value of a democratic society is human rights, which means first of all that a human being is the one who is in charge of his or her own life. The premise presupposes that a person has the right to take a decision about what to do with his or her life on the most global level – whether to go on living or stop living.That is why the state, which aim is to provide the execution of citizens rights, should pay careful attention to such a burning issue as helping terminally ill patients to die. The solution to the problem is legalizing euthanasia as a way of defending human rights alongside taking into consideration the possible moral challenges.Indeed, moral concerns have been the main factors which prevented the quick spread of euthanasia which could otherwise happen. It is first of all religious communities which oppress the adoption of the law, and the more religiously conservative the country is the stronger is the oppression to assisted suicide. Even if one doesnà ¢â‚¬â„¢t know which countries already have the relevant laws we can easily guess what they are by knowing their excessive tolerance to controversial issues like legalizing marijuana or gay marriages.Among them are first of all Scandinavian countries and Holland, some of them having adopted the law others at the brink of adoption. It was in 1994 when Oregon approved Ballot Measure, which would have legalized physician-assisted suicide under limited condition but the vote met the oppression of Federal Government.So, the United States seem to belong to the countries with the strongest moral and religious orthodoxy alongside with deeply Catholic countries as opposed to the tolerant Protestant European societies mentioned above. However, the statistics show it is not completely true. In 1999 Gallup organization held a national survey asking Americans the following question: â€Å"If you personally had a disease that could not be cured and were living in severe pain, would you consider c ommitting suicide or not?†.Forty percent answered â€Å"yes†, fifty one – â€Å"no† and nine were not sure. So, on the face of it, the community divided in halves, roughly speaking. But a there is crucially important detail which shouldn’t be missed: the respondents who took part are naturally not terminally ill and they don’t suffer severe pain. This fact distorts the real statistics which might arise in case they were suffering terrible tortures.But the controversy is not only about the rights of the patients but also about doctors who help their patients to die. The much-talked-of case of Dr.Kevorkian is the evidence of how ambiguous the interpretation of this or that action can be. â€Å"He has been hailed as the champion of the right-to-die movement and denounced as a ghoulish cheerleader for suicide† (Lesenberry, 1994) Jack Kevorkian, who helped twenty people to die on their request, was given a name Dr Death. The case demonstrat ed the controversy, the current system of law has – there is no legal differentiation between killing out of hate and killing out of mercy.There is a moral difference, however. And if we try to trace how the legal system has been historically formed, it becomes clear that it grew out of moral system of values, it was its reflection. Society has always been trying to match moral and law, and there have always been discrepancy between them which needed to be bridged. The historical process hasn’t stopped, and the gap needs to be overcome.But looking at the problem closer makes it evident that it is not so much a matter of the motivation of killing because it is not so much the formal â€Å"killer† we are talking about. The focus is actually on the person who chooses death; a doctor is just an instrument for performing his or her will. Everyone should realize that making euthanasia a legal option is not defending suicide but defending choice.Depriving people of the right to choose is a heavy violation of their human rights. The task of the state is to find a way how to protect the rights of one side without violating the rights of the other one. But the point is the right of all people are least protected when there is no legal definition of the issue at all.One of the arguments against euthanasia is the claimed immorality of making the relatives of the terminally ill patients decide if to keep them living, especially in case the are not able to decide themselves, like those in coma. Indeed, the issue is very sensitive, which the survey confirmed.The respondents were asked the question: â€Å"If a member of your family were terminally ill and wanted to die, would you be willing to help them?† Forty percent said yes, forty-six no, and fourteen percent were not sure. Indeed, this is a moral challenge for the relatives of the person but again it is a matter of having choice.Of course, it is easier for the relatives to have no choice in su ch cases because indeed, it must be the hardest choice a person can face in his or her life. On the other hand, it is questionable what is more immoral – to challenge the relatives with the decision or to let them shift responsibility by making the state decide instead of them.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

How Women Were Treated in Roman Times in Julius Caesar...

The way in which women were treated in Roman times is an interesting issue which arises in Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar. We can look at modern society to see what similarities or differences may exist between the two. How has the treatment of women changed in certain parts of society? We all know that in western civilization the way that women are treated has been altered significantly, but this demographic isn’t the only society in which there has (or hasn’t) been developments in the way women are treated. How would the peoples of the past react if they were to see the treatment of women today and compare that to what they are accustomed to? THE WIVES IN JULIUS CAESAR – PORTIA AND CALPHURNIA In Julius Caesar, there were only few†¦show more content†¦If married, she and her property passed into the power of her husband. The wife was the purchased property of her husband, and like a slave, acquired only for his benefit – and this is similar to what is decreed by The Elizabethan Homily on the State of Matrimony. One example of this in the text studied is at the start of the second scene, with Caesar calling his wife’s name and issues his commands (note that he orders her around rather than asking her) ‘Stand you directly in Antonio’s way/ when he doth run his course’. Infertility was blamed on the wife, not the man – an assumption that has been henceforth disproved due to advances in medical technology and research. This is supported in the text by the quote ‘For our elders say the barren, touched in this holy chase, shake off their sterile curse’ (Act I Scene II Lines 7-9). In this case Caesar’s words reflect a similar anxiety felt by the Elizabethans (which is most probably the double meaning that Shakespeare was trying to incorporate into this particular part of the text). Queen Elizabeth was unmarried and childless, there was no clear heir to England’s throne and the queen’s increasing infirmity gave similar reaction to that seen in the text. In short, Portia and Calphurnia are seen as being powerless figures, in that their opinions are quickly dismissed when the public lives of their husbands muscle in onShow MoreRelatedContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words   |  846 Pagesacademic spheres in accounting, I sense that the two worlds have less and less to do with one another. It is therefore ever more important to reflect on the contributions which Michael Bromwich has made. He played an important role in the diffusion of modern practices of capital investment appraisal in the United Kingdom. He has been constantly open to the insights which advances in economic theory can provide into the accounting art, in many areas pushing at the frontiers of international knowledge inRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pagesrelevancy should attract readers. Stanley Baronett. Jr., University of Nevada Las Vegas Far too many authors of contemporary texts in informal logic – keeping an eye on the sorts of arguments found in books on formal logic – forget, or underplay, how much of our daily reasoning is concerned not with arguments leading to truth-valued conclusions but with making choices, assessing reasons, seeking advice, etc. Dowden gets the balance and the emphasis right. Norman Swartz, Simon Fraser University